home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
INI File | 2002-03-07 | 5.2 KB | 250 lines |
- [Author]
- Description=Subtitle Studio 2.0
- Author=Jude
- Email=Jude@radlight.net
- Comments=www.radlight.com
- [Font]
- Name=Verdana
- CharSet=238
- [Sec1]
- FontName=Verdana
- FontColor=13948116
- #1=Welcome to Subtitle Studio 2.0||8,B
- #2=Subtitle Studio is easy to use tool for creating and converting subtitle files||8,
- #3=- Features:||8,B
- #4=Edit, Join, Split, Conversion to/from 20 formats, Subtitle Streaming||8,
- #5=- Supported Formats:||8,B
- #6=MicroDVD, SRT, SubViewer 1 && 2.x, SAMI, SSA, JacoSUB||8,
- #7=IAuthor, Philips SVCD, PowerDivX, Sonic DVD||8,
- [Sec2]
- FontName=Verdana
- FontColor=0
- #1=Create New|Create Brand New Subtitle File|8,
- #2=Open|Open Project / Subtitle File|8,
- #3=Search|Search for Subtitle File|8,
- #4=Exit|Leave|8,
- [Sec3]
- FontName=Verdana
- FontColor=0
- #1=Search||8,B
- #2=File Name :||8,
- #3=Format :||8,
- #4=Containing Text :||8,
- #5=||8,
- #6=||8,
- #7=||8,
- #8=Search|Start Searching !!!|8,
- #9=||8,
- #10=||8,B
- #11=Name||
- #12=Format||
- #13=Size||
- #14=Date||
- #15=Stop|Stop Searching !!!|
- #16=Files Found : ||
- #17=Searching ...||
- #18=Searching done||
- #19=+All Supported Formats
- #20=Search Path :||8,
- #21=...||8,
- [Sec4]
- FontName=Verdana
- FontColor=0
- #1=Display Mode||8,B,13948116
- #2=||8,
- #3=FPS :||8,,13948116
- #4=||8,
- #5=FPS from AVI||8,
- #6=Delay||8,B,13948116
- #7=||8,
- #8=||8,
- #9=Apply Delay||8,
- #10=Search||8,B,13948116
- #11=Enter Text...||8,
- #12=Find It !!!|Start Searching !!!|8,
- #13=+Time
- #14=+Time (Detected)
- #15=+Frames
- #16=+Frames (Detected)
- #17=Edit
- #18=Untitled
- #19=Loading ...
- #20=Writing to list ...
- #21=Movies
- [Sec5]
- FontName=Verdana
- FontColor=0
- #1=Output FPS||8,B,13948116
- #2=|Choose required FPS|8,
- #3=FPS from AVI|Detect FPS|8,
- #4=||8,,13948116
- #5=Recompute FPS|Start the Conversion|8,
- #6=Output Format||8,B,13948116
- #7=||8,
- #8=Convert|Start the Conversion|8,
- #9=Convert
- #10=Actual FPS :
- [Sec6]
- FontName=Verdana
- FontColor=0
- #1=|New Project|8,
- #2=|Open Project / Subtitle File|8,
- #3=|Save As|8,
- #4=|Search|8,
- #5=|Preview|8,
- #6=|Send to Desktop|8,
- #7=|Send to My Documents|8,
- #8=|Send by E-Mail|8,
- #9=|Settings|8,
- #10=|Exit|8,
- #11=|Previous Page|8,
- #12=|Next Page|8,
- #13=||8,
- #14=Subtitle Studio 2.0
- #15=|Load Plain Txt|8,
- #16=|Scenarist Mode|8,
- [Sec7]
- FontName=Verdana
- FontColor=0
- #1=||8,
- #2=Value 1||
- #3=Value 2||
- #4=Text||
- [Sec8]
- FontName=Verdana
- FontColor=0
- #1=||8,
- #2=Edit||8,
- #3=Join||8,
- #4=Split||8,
- [Sec9]
- FontName=Verdana
- FontColor=0
- #1=||12,B
- #2=|Lock|8,
- #3=||8,
- #4=Value In||8,
- #5=||8,
- #6=Value Out||8,
- #7=||8,
- #8=Set Duration|This Value Shows How Long will be Subtitles Displayed|8,
- #9=|Locked|
- [Sec10]
- FontName=Verdana
- FontColor=0
- #1=Join (Before Breakpoint)|Add Breakpoint by Selecting Checkbox|8,
- #2=Join (After Breakpoint)|Add Breakpoint by Selecting Checkbox|8,
- [Sec11]
- FontName=Verdana
- FontColor=0
- #1=Split (Including Breakpoint Up)|Add Breakpoint by Selecting Checkbox|8,
- #2=Split (Including Breakpoint Down)|Add Breakpoint by Selecting Checkbox|8,
- #3=Switch To Next Part||8,
- #4=Advanced Split||8,B
- #5=Split After Video Ends|Use this if You Want to Split Subtitles for Two CD Movie|8,
- #6=Recalculate Values||8,
- [Sec12]
- FontName=Verdana
- FontColor=0
- #1=Defaults||8,B
- #2=Default Format :||8,
- #3=Default Language :||8,
- #4=|Selected format will be used as default|8,
- #5=|Select Language|8,
- #6=Please, Register Subtitle Studio||8,B
- #8=Register 15 $|Thank You !|8,
- #11=|Close Settings|8,
- #12=||8,
- #13=General
- #14=File Types
- #15=Settings
- #16=Use Wordwrap||8,
- #17=Subtitle Icon :||8,
- #18=Load Subtitle Icon|Load your own icon|8,
- #19=Associate|Set Subtitle Studio as default used application for selected file types|8,
- #20=Icons
- #21=Select All Extensions||8,
- #22=Select Text Font|Select font, use to show subtitles|8,
- #23=Select Video Subtitle Font|Select font, used to show subtitle on preview or scenarist mode|8,
- [Sec13]
- FontName=Verdana
- FontColor=0
- #1=Delay||
- #2=Joined subttiles should have delay||8,
- #3=||8,
- #4=Part after breakpoint should have delay||8,
- #5=||8,
- #6=And whole subtitles will have fluent run. ||8,
- #7=Cancel||8,
- #8=Accept||8,
- [Sec14]
- FontName=Verdana
- FontColor=0
- #1=Warning !!!||
- #2=If it will be required to recount FPS to Time or Time to FPS, it will be used Input FPS value.||8,
- #3=Cancel||8,
- #4=OK||8,
- #5=Allways show this warning||8,
- [Sec15]
- FontName=Verdana
- FontColor=0
- #1=Video Control||
- #2=Open||8,
- #3=Play||8,
- #4=Stop||8,
- #5=Detected Movie FPS:||8,
- [Sec16]
- FontName=Verdana
- FontColor=0
- #1=Search Path||8,
- #2=Accept||8,
- [Sec17]
- FontName=Verdana
- FontColor=0
- #1=Load plain txt||8,
- #2=File Name :||8,
- #3=...||8,
- #4=Lines are divided with||8,
- #5=Char||8,
- #6=New line (Enter)||8,
- #7=Custom char||8,
- #8=Subtitles are divided with||8,
- #9=Empty line||8,
- #10=Cancel|Abort Loading|8,
- #11=Load|Load from selected TXT|8,
- #12=||8,
- [Messages]
- #1=Format Not Supported !!!
- #2=Text Not Found !!!
- #3=Save was not successful !!!
- #4=Valid Format is : hh:mm:ss.st !!!
- #5=You Must Enter Ordinal Number Format !!!
- #6=File types registred!!!
- #7=Selected file doesn't exists or divide string wasn't defined!!!
- #8=No next subtitles
- [Dialogs]
- #1=Open Subtitles
- #2=Open Video
- #3=Save Subtitles
- #4=Load Subtitle Icon
- #5=Open Plain Txt